Computer Virus Removal EMERGENCIES NO EXTRA CHARGE Panic Popups Porn Spam Computer runs slowly or freezes Is your computer running as fast as when you first brought it home? A general clean up gets it running faster. Removing viruses, infections, spyware, trojans and adware. Hate VISTA? I can reinstall windows xp! Have VISTA and want to move to Windows 7? I'll be your advisor... Upgrade RAM, larger hard drive, dvd burner? Hardware upgrades available.

Friday, September 17, 2010

1) Road Runner - Email - Primary Accounts

DETAILS of above headlines
1) Road Runner - Email - Primary Accounts

For the third day in a row - and ONLY in the morning (9 am to 11 am)
Road Runner is experiencing problems with their POP3 Servers.

Very odd - but if you have more than one account (I have 4 sub accounts)
- there are NO problems at all both in receiving and sending emails.

Road Runner has apologized for the inconvenience. So, if your Road Runner
email is messing up - call them. You don't need to call me!
On the good side, I answer my phone immediately, and I don't ask you
"verification questions" like your name, social security number and address!

2) BEWARE of FREE computer diagnostic services!

To my loyal customers, you'll chuckle over the
following write up. Because you already know where
to get honest service at the best price!

I've received even more complaints from some customers
who have physically taken their computer to "major chains"
to get "free" diagnostic services on their computer,
- only to be "upsold" for needless repairs!

While it may not sound like a scam, it works the same way!


ANY COMPUTER - even if you just bought it today, will have
viruses! Its a fact of life. Every computer can run faster.

How can this be true? Computers ship with "free" programs.
With advertising programs trying to get you to sign up.
And with needless programs (sorry AOL devotees).

There are tons of useless temporary files, viruses (most minor)
and resource hogs. And there are a multiple of ways
to speed up a computer.

Once you are IN the store - you can be assured the technician
will find things to sell you. You've dragged your computer
all the way to the store - what are you going to do?
Say no thank you? Doubtful.

Do yourself a favour - Call up these stores before you go.
Find out how much their services cost.
Most stores charge a minimum of $250. And the work may or
may not be done within hours - let alone the same day.

3) Backup Backup Backup

Are you doing backups on a monthly basis?
Are you backing up your documents (word, excel, pictures)?
Are you backing up your emails? (Outlook/Express etc)?

Yes, I realize you think I am a great technician....
And even if your computer is dead (does not boot),
if your hard drive does not spin - I can't save your data!
And data recovery from "cold room" companies - will
cost over $1000 !

Isn't it time you backed up your data?
Training and software available on request.

4) Flash Player not working?

Heah, even your computer pro has had trouble with
the online version of Adobe Flash Player!

Finally found a way to get around the problem.

ARE UP TO DATE. Careful what you click on, please.

There is a web site:
If Flash Player is not working, this will send you
to a valid web site to download and install Flash Player.

5) Vista - New operating system (replaces windows XP)
System requirements will be costly!

Vista - Microsoft's next operating system (o/s)
MAY be out in early January - so goes the rumours, eh?

Will your current computer be able to run Vista?
Should you upgrade or buy a new computer?
Or hold off?

Well, to those of you still running Windows 98 or 2000
(or even, god forbid, Windows ME)
the answer is "sure, why upgrade?"
Microsoft stopped supporting those operating systems.
However, most viruses do not target (or even work on)
the "lower" operating systems. So, in reverse logic,
running Windows 98 can be a good thing! (Strange!)

But VISTA o/s will require a better computer.
Already they are calling for 1 gigabyte of RAM.
(Ram=memory. Sold in multiples of 2
ie: 128, 256, 385, 512, 1024 megabytes.
1024 megabytes is also called 1 gigabyte)

If you are planning on getting a new computer,
consider the RAM requirements - 1 gigabyte is
now the MINIMUM requirement! 2 gigs are better.

As for processing speeds? Or Dual Core (two cpu's).
That's a whole different discussion - at a latter date!

CALL ME - Your friendly Computer Virus Removal specialist.

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