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Friday, September 17, 2010

December 2, 2006 - News by Jerrold Schiff

December 2, 2006 - News by Jerrold Schiff

1) Disaster Planning

2) Computer Show - December 2-3 2006

DETAILS of above headlines
1) Disaster Planning

"Prepare for the worst
Hope for the best"

The media has us worried about Terrorists and Hurricanes
like Katrina - but the reality is that minor little
disasters are much more likely to happen.

Computer Viruses, electrical surges, hard drive and
computer component failure, human error (delete the wrong
file / folder!)....

Backup your data.
Do you know how often I hear the cry of "save my data!" ???
1) Back up to a cd - if you do not have a cd burner, ask me.
2) Back up to another hard drive.
Internal hard drives are cheap. Attachable (external)
hard drives are almost as cheap.
3) Off site storage - away from your computer. Bank Vaults.
4) Internet Storage. I sell Web hosting for $150 a year.
All your data could be stored in encrypted files,
and password protected. Its not absolutely safe,
but it is a measured safety precaution.

2) Computer Show - December 2-3 2006

This is the last Computer Show of the year.
At the Central Florida Camp Grounds.
That's on Highway 50 (Colonial) just west of John Young.

I'll be there Sunday morning 9:30 to 12. Helping out
the CFCS - Central Florida Computer Society.
Ask for me - heck - I'll even walk around and answer
some questions.

Some great bargains can be found. That's where I buy things
like CD's, wireless mice, even computers are cheaper there.

CALL ME - Your friendly Computer Virus Removal specialist.

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