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Friday, September 17, 2010

January 19, 2006 - Newsletter by Jerrold Schiff

January 19, 2006 - Newsletter by Jerrold Schiff

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1. Dangerous viruses.

2. Your name on a web page: Web Hosting

3. Act! and Outlook (working together, really)

4. "Children" and what is myspace?

5. Passwords - if forgotten - is all lost?

6. News readers - what is rssreader?

7. T-shirts, Calendars, Decals

1. Dangerous viruses.

Ok, so I've told you to back up your data, documents and emails. And you are running the latest windows updates and scanning for viruses. Are you safe? No. But you are SAFER.

My vote for the worst viruses (current nasties) are: Winfixer, Winantiviruspro, Virtumundo and Aurora

These usually appear on your screen as POP UPS. Do NOT click on the X to exit. Instead, use the "task manager" (control alt delete) And remove the offending web page / pop up.

Call me if you have any questions. If you are unable to stop these programs, or you are already infected, schedule a service call.

2. Your name on a web page: Web Hosting

If you do not have your own web site, and you are running a company, then consider getting your own web page.

Mine is:
Not only that: You can now personalize your email:

Before you get too excited: Not all web names are available. But with a little imagination - you too can have your name in lights (web lights?)

It costs $131.90 a year to have a web site. This includes Domain Registration. Note that there are limits on the amount of traffic (hits on your web site).

If you need a quick "home page" for your web site, I can make one up for you for $60. Figure out what you need on the page (phone #, pictures..)

3. Act! and Outlook (working together, really)

Act! is a "contact database". Great to keep tabs on
your sales calls. Outlook is Microsoft's "full service"
email handler. It's a bit tricky to keep them in sync,
and for mass mailings. I can help you with the basic
set up and getting you up and running.

4. "Children" - what is myspace.

Too many my calls about computers that have died /
frozen / infected have as the home page.

In theory, myspace is meant to let friends find and
chat with each other. But - it is used mostly by
children (and Adults posing as children!)

I set up my own web page to see what it looked like.
First off, it asks for AGE and BIRTHDATE - can you
say RED FLAG for danger?
In fact, anything that you and I know is wrong -
is almost "required" here !

A lesson in "when to lie, how to lie" and other
Net Safety tips is a GOOD IDEA.

I am currently reviewing software programs such as
CyberSitter and NetNanny.
(a) does the program block objectionable web sites
(b) does the program secretly monitor and report to
the parent: screen images, web pages and text entered
in chat rooms and emails.

Its not that you WANT to spy on your kids. Its more
like "heah, we need to have something to hand to the
police when you go missing." ie To show you care.

5. Passwords - if forgotten - is all lost?

Just thought I'd list the types of passwords that
can be recovered / bypassed.
Quicken, Quickbooks, Act!, MS Word, Excel.
Windows XP (etc) logon screen. BIOS passwords.

6. News readers - what is rssreader?
Background (history)
There are "newsgroups" and news readers. One of the oldest is Forte Agent. But newsgroups amounted to people posting almost random thoughts.
As an example: comp.database.ingres - all about the Ingres Database.

Latest stuff is "news delivery". RSSreader is a program - based on your selections, will get the latest news. As an example, The Motely Fool (investing). Articles are posted here as if printed in a newspaper. Or found on THEIR web site. For some, it means getting the paper delivered to your door instead of having to go to their web site each day and asking "what's new?"

For more information on rssreader, go to

Lastly: What's a newsletter without a sales pitch?

7. T-shirts, Calendars, Decals

Have you seen my web site lately?

I am GIVING AWAY free t-shirts - with a
one-hour minimum service call. And IF I get a service call
because someone spotted you WEARING the t-shirt
- you get a FREE CHECKUP (one hour service call) !!!!!

Send me your web site / business contact information.
I'll add you to the "scroll box"

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