Virus Stats
By Jerrold Schiff
Serving the local Apopka/Orlando/Sanford area.
Serving the internet population within USA and Canada
Virus Stats: The average person takes 2-3 days in attempting to get rid of a virus.
Virus Stats: Programs like Norton, Mcafee, Computer Associates and Kaspersky are virtually useless against major viruses and rootkits.
Virus Stats: Before calling a computer repair technician, most computers sit idle for 2 days and up to 2 months !
Virus Stats: Most people try their friend, neighbour, kid next door, co-worker or anyone else before they have to pay a professional.
Virus Stats: In after taking hours or days to attempt to get rid of a virus, they still expect a computer expert to fix their computer within 5 minutes (some actually give us 60 minutes) !
Virus Stats: People will only call a computer expert if they can not get online. You would think they would call if: the computer is slow, laden with popups, doing strange things, making noises, playing music, strange web pages show up instead of normal ones.....
Virus Stats: Husbands are relieved to know that "going to porn sites" did not cause the virus. Truth? Porn site will NOT shut down internet access - as they get paid by the minute. But that's not to say that some porn sites will install trackers and keyloggers as well as programs to steal your identity and credit cards.
Computer Virus Removal EMERGENCIES NO EXTRA CHARGE Panic Popups Porn Spam Computer runs slowly or freezes Is your computer running as fast as when you first brought it home? A general clean up gets it running faster. Removing viruses, infections, spyware, trojans and adware. Hate VISTA? I can reinstall windows xp! Have VISTA and want to move to Windows 7? I'll be your advisor... Upgrade RAM, larger hard drive, dvd burner? Hardware upgrades available.