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Sunday, May 16, 2010

DOS lives and breathes - hidden secrets

Credit the author:

DOS works anywhere, anytime.

MS-DOS 5.00 - 8.00
Undocumented + Hidden Secrets
Some of these UNDOCUMENTED MS-DOS commands might save your "computing life" one day, as they have saved mine.
I will post here ALL DOS Secrets every time I'll also add them to SECRETS.TXT, part of my ©Tricks + Secrets Files, FREEware:• Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 + DOS 7.xx/8.00: W95-11D.EXE
• Windows/WfWG 3.1x + DOS 6.xx: W31-11D.ZIP

NOTE: Some of my Original/Unique ©Tricks + Secrets canNOT be found ANYWHERE ELSE [or if you do, they were reproduced from my pages or files, and in certain cases without my consent!], and some are posted here with EXCLUSIVE permission from their authors!


CONTENTS: [alphabetical order]


DEVICE=drive:\path\EMM386.EXE NOTR

FAT16 -> FAT32


FDISK x /PRI:n (/PRIO:n) /EXT:n /LOG:n (/LOGO:n)

FORMAT drive: /U
FORMAT drive: /Z:n

DEVICE=drive:\path\HIMEM.SYS /Q



MUST HAVE: [99.99% FREE(ware)]

MS-DOS Commands on the Internet:

Undocumented DOS Commands
The Undocumented DOS Commands
Undocumented COMMAND.COM Features
NOTES ON MS-DOS 6.22 + BATCH programming on Win9x
MS-Dos7 Commands
MSDOS Help + Commands
Essential DOS Commands + Concepts
DOS Command Index
MS-DOS v6.22 Help Command Reference
Internal DOS Commands
External DOS Commands
DOS Commands
Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 Internal and External Commands
MS-DOS Reference
MS TechNet MSDOS Archive
See DOSTIPS.TXT [part of both W95-11D.EXE + W31-11D.ZIP] for more DOS tips + links.




COMMAND.COM is the MS-DOS mode command line interpreter, located by default in %winbootdir% + %winbootdir%\COMMAND (default is C:\WINDOWS + C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND) [Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00], C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS [MS-DOS 5.00/6.xx]. Another copy of COMMAND.COM may exist in C:\ root.
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the COMMAND.COM command line switches (the documented ones anyway):
Windows 95/98/ME users: use Notepad to read the "SHELL" topic from CONFIG.TXT, a text file located in your Windows folder.
All Windows/DOS users: run:
at any DOS prompt to display the COMMAND.COM help screen.
MS-DOS 6.xx users: run this command from a DOS prompt:
and read the topic.
More info.
See also "COMMAND.COM", also in TIPS95.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE], and in MYTIPS31.TXT [part of W31-11D.ZIP].
All COMMAND.COM parameters listed below can be used on the CONFIG.SYS file SHELL= line (primary permanent shell):
on a Windows PIF file (MS-DOS Prompt application) command line, in batch files, or/and at the plain DOS prompt (secondary shell, which can be made permanent if adding the /P switch).
In MS-DOS 5.00 - 6.22 you can use this undocumented workaround to force COMMAND.COM to load "high", which requires an upper memory manager in CONFIG.SYS, like EMM386.EXE or UMBPCI.SYS. Example:
This works ONLY IF:

a copy of your COMMAND.COM file resides in C:\ root (for compatibility with older DOS programs/games that expect to find the command interpreter in the root directory of your boot drive/partition);
ALL your "SET =" lines are placed/moved into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file from CONFIG.SYS (MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22 ONLY);
this command exists as your first AUTOEXEC.BAT line:
UMBs are enabled by this CONFIG.SYS line so COMMAND.COM (or ANY other device/driver/TSR) can load in UMA:
DISADVANTAGE: In some cases a second copy of COMMAND.COM remains resident in (upper) memory. :(
More details.
In MS-DOS 7.00 - 8.00 [a.k.a. Windows 95/98/ME] this function is built into IO.SYS, and COMMAND.COM loads in UMA (Upper Memory Area) automatically ONLY IF UMBs (Upper Memory Blocks) are provided by an upper memory manager like EMM386.EXE or UMBPCI.SYS, and IF the line "DOS=HIGH,UMB" exists in CONFIG.SYS.

COMMAND /D [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]
COMMAND /D (DENY) performs different actions depending on the MS-DOS version:

in MS-DOS 5.00: used on the CONFIG.SYS file SHELL= line prevents the execution of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (if present) at bootup.
in MS-DOS 6.xx and 7.xx/8.00 [a.k.a. MS Windows 9x/ME]: disables the automatic floppy "Fail" response if enabled by the /F (FAIL) parameter (see "COMMAND /F" below).

COMMAND /F [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]
COMMAND /F (FAIL) removes the "Abort, Retry, Fail" message and forces a "Fail" response to all "Abort, Retry, Fail" prompts issued by the DOS critical error handler. If the floppy disk is not ready it automatically goes to "Fail".

COMMAND /T [Windows 95 + MS-DOS 7.00 and above ONLY]
COMMAND /T forces the COMMAND.COM resident module to load permanently in low memory (below the 640K barrier), even if the Upper Memory Area (UMA) is enabled by an upper memory manager (i.e. EMM386.EXE or UMBPCI.SYS) from CONFIG.SYS.
Using /T in combination with the /P (PERMANENT) parameter, ONLY from the DOS prompt or in batch files (NOT from the CONFIG.SYS SHELL= line), also executes the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (if present), besides forcing the COMMAND.COM resident module to load permanently in low memory.
WARNING: Using /T on the CONFIG.SYS SHELL= line may lock up Windows 9x/ME GUI upon shut down!

COMMAND /Z [Windows 95 + MS-DOS 7.00 and above ONLY]
COMMAND /Z (ZERO) displays the "ERRORLEVEL" return code messages after executing external DOS commands (internal DOS commands do not display error codes in this manner).
You'll see a message like this when using the /Z parameter [errorlevel 0 is the default (normal) return code]:

"Microsoft(R) Windows 98
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1999.
Return code (ERRORLEVEL): 0
WARNING: Reloaded COMMAND.COM transient"




EMM386.EXE is the Microsoft upper/extended/expanded memory manager, located by default in C:\WINDOWS [Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00], C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS [MS-DOS 5.00/6.xx].
EMM386.EXE can be loaded ONLY in CONFIG.SYS using the DEVICE command. Example:
The EMM386.EXE DEVICE line MUST appear in CONFIG.SYS AFTER the HIMEM.SYS line, and BEFORE ANY other device drivers loaded with DEVICE, DEVICEHIGH, INSTALL or INSTALLHIGH.
from a DOS prompt, displays the EMM386 status.
EMM386.EXE provides access to the Upper Memory Area (UMA), uses the computer's extended memory to simulate expanded memory and allows programs and device drivers to load into Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs).
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the EMM386.EXE command line switches (the documented ones anyway):
Windows 95/98/ME users: use Notepad to read the "EMM386.EXE" topic in MSDOSDRV.TXT, a text file located in your Windows folder.
MS-DOS 6.xx users: run this command from any DOS prompt:
and read the topic.
See also the EMM386.EXE related topics in MEMORY.TXT + EMM386.TXT, both part of W95-11D.EXE + W31-11D.ZIP.

DEVICE=drive:\path\EMM386.EXE NOTR [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]
The EMM386.EXE default detection code searches for the presence of a Token Ring Network adapter, which may cause some computers to hang. In such cases use the NOTR parameter to disable this search.
This is valid ONLY for EMM386.EXE versions 4.45 - 4.49 [MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22] up to 4.95 [MS Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00]. Example:



FAT16 -> FAT32

FAT16 [R.I.P.! :-)] is the most used File Allocation Table (FAT) 16-bit standard on "Wintel" PCs, recognized by all MS-DOS releases beginning with 4.00 (released back in 1991), and by all MS Windows versions.
MS-DOS releases older than 4.00 used to operate with the obsolete FAT12 standard, discontinued, but still in use by the ol' floppy disk(ette) standard. :(
FAT12 is [was :)] able to handle disk partitions only up to 16 MB using 4 KB clusters.
FYI: Officially Microsoft implemented FAT16 only begining with MS-DOS 4.00 (through extended partitions larger than 32 MB), but unofficially FAT16 was already implemented in MS-DOS 3.3. FDISK.EXE supports extended partitions (the only way to take advantage of FAT16 at the time) begining with MS-DOS 3.3 (up to a total of 128 MB), but FORMAT.COM supports partitions larger than 32 MB only begining with MS-DOS 4.00. MS-DOS 3.3 FORMAT.COM supported partitions only up to 16 MB (FAT12), even if FAT16 was already available. :(
Further reading: "Upgrading and Repairing PCs" book by Scott Mueller, second edition, page 653.
[Thank you Mr. Nobby!]

FAT16 limitations:

maximum partition size = 2 GigaBytes (GB) = 2,048 MegaBytes (MB);
maximum number of root directory file entries allowed = 512 (same as FAT12);
(too) large cluster size, which wastes a lot of disk space, by allocating at least 1 cluster to each file on disk, even if a file is at least 1 byte in length.
Note that 0 byte files (same as directories/folders) do NOT take ANY disk space, but each directory entry (32 Bytes on FAT32) occupies a separate FAT entry. Moreover, Long File Names (LFNs) files and folders occupy an additional LFN FAT entry.
Another example: a 33 KB file has 2 clusters assigned on a disk partition with 32 KB clusters, thus wasting 31 KB, because the same cluster canNOT be shared among separate files or folders:

Partition size FAT16 Cluster size

0 - 127 MB 2 KB = 2048 B
128 - 255 MB 4 KB = 4096 B
256 - 511 MB 8 KB = 8192 B
512 - 1023 MB 16 KB = 16384 B
1024 - 2047 MB 32 KB = 32768 B

In 1996 Microsoft introduced a new File Allocation Table standard called FAT32 (32-bit), which extends these limits:

FAT32 (first version) released beginning with MS Windows 95B OSR 2.0, supports partitions up to 2 TeraBytes (TB) = 2,048 GB = 2,097,152 MB (theoretical + new practical limit);
FAT32X (second version) released beginning with MS Windows 95C OSR 2.5 (1997), features eXtended support for hard drives larger than 8 GB (with more than 1023 cylinders, 255 heads and 63 sectors), using the BIOS interrupt 13 (INT13h) LBA (Logical Block Addressing) extension (on Pentium class and newer chipsets that support this BIOS feature), for a total of 28 bits of addressing a maximum of 137 GB of hard disk capacity (old practical limit).
Newer PC mainboards add eXtended support for drives larger than 137 GB, using the new BIOS interrupt 13 (INT13h) LBA (Logical Block Addressing) extension (on Pentium III/IV class and newer chipsets that support this BIOS feature), for a total of 48 bits of addressing a maximum of 2 TB of hard disk capacity (new practical limit);
supports unlimited number of root directory file entries;
smaller, more efficient cluster size, without noticeable performance degradation:

Partition size FAT32/FAT32X Cluster size

0 - 259 MB 512 B [*]
260 - 511 MB 1 KB = 1024 B [*]
512 - 8191 MB 4 KB = 4096 B
8192 - 16383 MB 8 KB = 8192 B
16384 - 32767 MB 16 KB = 16384 B
32768 MB - 2 TB 32 KB = 32768 B

[*] = ONLY if using FORMAT drive: /Z:n!

Therefore FAT32 wastes a lot less disk space, preserving speedy disk access at the same time.
More info @ MSKB.

NOTE: You MUST be using Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.0 - 2.5, 98/98 SE(U) [a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.10], ME [a.k.a. MS-DOS 8.00], 2000, XP or 2003 [no MS-DOS here :)] to take advantage of FAT32!

PROs + CONs:

Larger cluster size means faster disk access, but more disk overhead (wasted clusters), and less space for stored files, opposite to:
Smaller cluster size means slower disk access, but less disk overhead (wasted clusters), and more space for stored files.
FYI: The performance hit for using FAT32(X) depends on the speed of your CPU, CPU-to-PCI/SATA + PCI-to-SCSI bus bandwidth, disk controller capabilities and hard disk subsystem transfer rates + access times.
See also this FAT16/FAT32 versus NTFS/NTFS5 comparison.

NEWS: Microsoft announced WinFS (Windows Future Storage), a new secure FAT layer (NOT system!) operating on top of NTFS5 (New Technology File System version 5), capable of holding entire databases (instead of directories), which will be part of the upcoming release of Windows 2004 (code name "Longhorn") OS.
WinFS Windows Media Player (WMP) Presentation.
More info.


Microsoft acknowledged in this MSKB article that Windows 95 retail, 95a OSR1 + 95B/95C OSR 2.x do NOT support disk drives larger than 32 GB. :(
Windows 98 retail, 98 SP1 + 98 SE(U) provide built-in support for media drives > 32 GB, but ONLY IF you install the fixed ESDI_506.PDR [U.S. English patch] that allows ScanDskw.exe to properly recognize (E)IDE/(Ultra)ATA hard disk clusters beyond cluster number 967,393. More info.
The ONLY Microsoft Operating Systems that natively support drives larger than 32 GB (to date) are Windows NT 4.0, 2000, ME, XP + 2003.
Make sure your motherboard BIOS supports hard disks larger than 137 GB (48-bit LBA function). Always "flash" your BIOS using the current BIOS update from your mainboard vendor's web/ftp site.
FAT16, FAT32/FAT32X, NTFS + BIOS limits techno details + specs:

MSKB: Description of FAT32 File System
MSKB: Description of FAT32 File System in Windows XP
MSKB: Limitations of FAT32 File System
MSKB: Limitations of FAT32 File System in Windows XP
MS WHDC: FAT32 on Preinstalled Systems
MS Resources: Comparing FAT File Systems
MS Resources: FAT16 File System
MS Resources: FAT32 File System
MS Resources: Size Limitations in NTFS and FAT File Systems
MC MCSE: Windows XP Professional File Systems Overview
FAT32 Resource Page
WinPlanet: Safely Take Advantage of FAT32
Getting Beyond the ATA 8.4 GB Limit
The Partition Primer
PowerLoad: FAT32, FDISK + FORMAT Guide
FAT32 Information
Partitions + File Systems
BIOS IDE Harddisk Limitations
Radified Partition Guide.




FDISK.EXE is a 16-bit DOS based command line driven tool, the "de facto" Microsoft partitioning utility, located in %winbootdir%\COMMAND (default is C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND) [Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00] or in the MS-DOS 6.00/6.20/6.21/6.22 directory (default is C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS).
Its purpose is to display boot, disk and partition information, modify existing partitions, create new ones and/or delete the ones you want on all installed fixed hard disk(s), but ONLY WITH COMPLETE DATA LOSS! :(
Starting with Windows 95B OSR 2.0 FDISK has the capability of creating FAT32 partitions of minimum 512 MB on existent drive(s), and of converting your current FAT16 partitions to FAT32, but NOT the other way around WITHOUT COMPLETE DATA LOSS!
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the FDISK.EXE command line switches (the documented ones anyway), run one of these commands from any DOS prompt:
to display the FDISK.EXE help screen.
Install fixed FDISK.EXE for Windows 98/98 SP1/98 SE(U) to properly detect hard disks larger then 64 GB [U.S. English patch].
More info.
LIMITATION: MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 95/98/ME FDISK does NOT recognize hard disks larger than 137 GB (48-bit LBA function).
More FDISK details:
MSKB: How to Use Fdisk and Format Tools to (Re)Partition a Hard Disk
Undocumented FDISK
FDISK Information
FDISK Undocumented Switches
FDISK: The Built In Partitioning Tool
FDISK Command
Radified FDISK Guide
Hard Disk Partitioning
Hard Drive Data Recovery.

Another Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x, 98 and ME FAT32 conversion DOS mode 16-bit tool comes also from Microsoft: CVT.EXE [62 KB, free, unsupported].
More info.
CVT.EXE preserves disk data integrity. Requires to specify the drive letter to convert. Running CVT without command line parameters displays the help screen.
Windows 98/ME users can find CVT.EXE in %winbootdir%\COMMAND (usually C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND).
The Win98/98 SE version of CVT.EXE may NOT work from native MS-DOS! In this case use the Windows GUI version (Cvt1.exe = see below).
The little known /CVT32 parameter works ONLY with the Win98/98 SP1/98 SE(U) version of CVT.EXE and allows FAT32 conversion in native MS-DOS mode. Example:
This MS TechNet article details all available CVT.EXE parameters.
More info.
How to use the WinME version of CVT.EXE.
[Thank you Emmanuel (!]
You canNOT convert a FAT32 partition back to FAT16 using CVT.EXE!
CVT requires a minimum of 500 KB of free DOS memory. To avoid error messages like:
"Not enough memory (system) resources"
while running CVT, disable the loading of some of your DOS mode devices/TSRs, by adding REM in front of the respective lines in your CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT, or use an upper memory manager (like MS EMM386.EXE or UMBPCI.SYS) to load them all "high", in upper memory (UMA). Edit your startup files using EDIT.COM in DOS or Notepad/Sysedit in Windows. Reboot when done.

Windows 98, 98 SE(U) and ME include a graphical FAT32 conversion tool (Cvt1.exe, located in %windir% = default is C:\WINDOWS), capable of converting your existing FAT16 partitions to FAT32 (528 MB minimum size), but NOT the other way around!
Cvt1.exe actually provides a front end (GUI) to running the CVT.EXE DOS mode tool (see above), also included with Win98/98 SE(U)/ME (in C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND), but adds extensive help to guide you through the entire process.
To access the FAT32 conversion tool: click the Start button -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> FAT32 Converter.

To create FAT32 partitions smaller than 528 MB or to convert FAT16 partitions to FAT32 and BACK:
WITH data loss: see the UNDOCUMENTED FDISK parameters below.
WITHOUT data loss: get a 3rd party [free(ware)] utility like:

Ranish Partition Manager v2.44 Beta 16-bit for DOS creates, deletes, resizes and formats FAT16/FAT32 hard disk partitions, includes Advanced Boot Manager.
Direct download [136 KB, postcardware].

Partition Resizer v1.3.4 16-bit for DOS + Windows 9x/ME (re)partitions/resizes FAT16/FAT32 hard disk partitions up to 2 TB (TeraBytes) without data loss, supports advanced command line options.
Direct download [97 KB, freeware].

FIPS v2.0 16-bit for DOS FAT32 dynamic nondestructive hard disk (re)partitioner.
Direct download [158 KB, free GPL].
Courtesy of Tony Melius (

Free FDISK v1.3.0 16-bit [also part of FreeDOS] improved Microsoft FDISK.EXE replacement for DOS partitions/resizes hard disks up to 180 GB, supports Microsoft's FDISK undocumented parameters, FAT32 and non-DOS partitions, extended command line for batch disk cloning, includes BootEasy compact multiboot loader, highly customizable.
Direct download [195 KB, free GPL].
Courtesy of Brian Reifsnyder ( author of Free FDISK.

XFDisk v0.9.3 Beta 16-bit for DOS, Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP, Linux and OS/2 partitions/resizes hard disks up to 1 TB, includes Boot Manager.
Direct download [41 KB, free GPL, English].

Symantec GDISK.EXE v1.1.1 16-bit improved Microsoft FDISK.EXE replacement for MS-DOS 5/6, Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP and Unix/Linux creates/deletes, (un)hides and (un)formats hard disk partitions, supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and ext2.
Direct download [175 KB, free].
More info.

TestDisk v4.4 16-bit for DOS, Windows 3.x/9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003, Linux, BeOS, FreeBSD and NetWare checks/undeletes deleted/lost hard disk partitions.
Direct download [500 KB, free GPL].

Symantec Partition Magic v8.0 32 + 16 bit for Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003, MS-DOS 5/6, OS/2 + Linux is the ultimate hard disk partitioning tool (retail): creates, deletes, moves, resizes, copies, merges, formats, converts, restores "on-the-fly" ANY hard disk partitions up to 2 TB (TeraBytes) without data loss, from an intuitive interface. You can even safely copy entire partitions to the destination of your choice, provided you have enough disk space. :)
Includes PQ Boot Manager for Windows.
Supports: FAT16 [Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 + DOS], FAT32 [Win98/OSR2/2000/ME/XP/2003], NTFS [WinNT/2000/XP/2003], NTFS5 [Win2000/XP/2003], HPFS [OS/2] + ext2/ext3 [Linux].

PowerQuest Partition Table + Boot Record Info + Editing tools 16 + 32 bit (free):
PartInfo (PARTINFO.EXE) 16-bit for MS-DOS 5/6 [117 KB].
PartInfo (PARTIN9X.EXE) 32-bit for Windows 9x/ME [346 KB].
PartInfo (PARTINNT.EXE) 32-bit for Windows NT/2000/XP [350 KB].
PartEdit (PTEDIT.EXE) 16-bit for MS-DOS 5/6 [398 KB].
PartEdit (PTEDIT32.EXE) 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP [174 KB].

BootPart v2.50 32-bit for Windows NT/2000/XP adds extra/hidden OS/2 + Linux partitions to the Boot Menu by creating boot sector files in C:\ root (which MUST be FAT16!).
Direct download [27 KB, freeware, English].

SavePart v2.80 16-bit partition copy/save/restore tool for DOS, saves entire partitions as files provided enough free space, supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, ext2, ext3, highly customizable.
Direct download [362 KB, freeware, English].

Microsoft DelPart 16-bit [part of Windows NT 3.1 Resource Kit] for Windows NT/2000/XP + DOS deletes (hidden) NTFS drives/partitions.
Direct download [4 MB, free].

MBRWork v1.07b 16-bit MBR/EMBR save/restore tool for MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 9x/ME.
Direct download [16 KB, freeware].

SRC Tools R5 16-bit boot/MBR/FAT16/FAT32 save/restore tools for MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 9x/ME [9 KB, freeware].

FORMAT.EXE v0.91 16-bit [also part of FreeDOS] improved Microsoft FORMAT.COM replacement for MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 9x/ME [86 KB, free GPL].

Diskman v4.0 16-bit for MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 9x/ME features: search, edit, manipulate, create, format FAT boot sectors and drives/partitions, backup/restore LFNs, highly customizable.
Direct download [95 KB, freeware, requires free registration!].

DRVEXCH.COM v0.4.2 16-bit TSR for MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 9x/ME reassigns/swaps drive/partition letters according to physical hard disk numbers.
Direct download [14 KB, free GPL].

Drive Rescue v1.9d 32-bit [discontinued :(] for Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 hard drive data recovery tool and disk editor, supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, highly customizable.
Direct download [985 KB, freeware].
Recovery Tips DOC [100 KB, free].

Restorer2000 Free DEMO v2.0 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP restores deleted files < 64 KB, supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, highly customizable.
Direct download [1.31 MB, freeware].

PC Inspector File Recovery v3.0 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 data recovery tool supports FAT12/16/32 + NTFS, finds FAT (not NTFS) partitions automatically even if boot sector or FAT erased/damaged, recovers files with original time/date stamp, supports saving recovered files on network drives, recovers files even if header entry not available, includes Special Recovery Function for many file types, highly customizable.
Direct download [2.81 MB, freeware].

Restoration v2.5.14 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP restores deleted files even if removed from Recycle Bin, supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, highly customizable.
Direct download [193 KB, freeware].

HDCopy v2.104 16-bit DOS tool for Windows 9x/ME copies entire fixed drive/partition to any other available FAT16/FAT32 formatted fixed drive/partition only if target drive equal to or larger than source drive.
Direct download [121 KB, freeware].

Ontrack Data Advisor v5.0 16-bit DOS hard disk low level diagnostic and recovery tool for MS-DOS 5/6 and Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP.
Direct download [1.9 MB, free].

Disk Investigator v1.2 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP displays all hidden hard disk info by bypassing the OS: true contents, raw sectors, directories, files, clusters + system sectors, undeletes previously deleted files, highly customizable.
Direct download [535 KB, freeware].

Stats 2000 v1.8 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP displays detailed hard disk statistics in 3D graphical format, highly customizable.
Direct download [772 KB, freeware].

EyeDrives v3.4 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP displays free, used + total disk space on all installed floppy, hard, CD/DVD, optical, removable, backup, network etc drives/partitions, memory and resource usage.
Direct download [1.12 MB, freeware].

Drive Scanner v2.6 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP displays files + directories usage on all installed floppy, hard, CD/DVD, optical, removable, backup, network etc drives/partitions in a pie chart.
Direct download [162 KB, freeware].

HDClone Free Edition v2.0 16-bit for Windows 3.x/9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003, MS-DOS 5/6/7/8 + Linux/Unix duplicates entire HD contents to another (which must be of equal or larger capacity) at physical level, includes proprietary Sphere SP Operating System, works independent of existing OS(es), fits on a floppy.
Direct download [495 KB, freeware].
Requires IDE/SCSI Hard Disk Controller + bootable floppy/CD/DVD drive.

Backup4All v1.3.0 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 is one of the most powerful disk + file backup + restore tools: Backup Wizard, Backup Scheduler, multiple file filter sets, incremental backups, multiple scheduled backups, customizable ZIP compression levels, customizable restores also supported by standard unzipping tools, supports all local and mapped network drive letters, UNC paths and removable media, CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W) etc, highly customizable.
Direct download [2.08 MB, freeware].

Cobian Backup v5.2.1.0 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 multi-threaded backup tool: backup scheduler, backup file sets, integrated ZIP compression, multilanguage support, password protection, supports all local and mapped network drive letters, UNC paths, removable media and FTP, runs as app or service (WinNT4/2000/XP/2003 only), highly customizable.
Direct download [4.17 MB, free].

ImageMaker v1.1 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 backs up/restores hard drives/partitions by creating disk images independent of file system/OS, target drive must be equal to or larger than source drive, includes Disk Management Control Panel applet, highly customizable.
Direct download [495 KB, freeware].

Eraser v5.7 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 safely and completely deletes sensitive data by securely overwriting it with unrecoverable patterns.
Direct download [2.68 MB, free GPL].

Recover CHK Files tools (free GPL).
IMPORTANT: Run ANY DOS based partitioning/formatting tool ONLY from the native/real/true MS-DOS mode OUTSIDE Windows GUI, NOT from a DOS box/session/window INSIDE Windows, even full screen!

3rd party disk partitioning tools that provide support for FAT32X (retail):
Partition Magic v8.0.
Partition Commander v8.0 (includes System Commander Personal Edition).
FAT32/FAT32X partitions are NOT compatible with the Microsoft Drvspace/Dblspace compression scheme! The ONLY disk compression tool that recognizes (but does NOT compress) FAT32/FAT32X partitions/disks is included on the MS Windows 98/ME Setup cd-roms!
So far there is NO disk compression scheme (software) able to compress/double FAT32/FAT32X partitions.

Microsoft FAT32 Evaluation Tool [part of Windows 98 Resource Kit] included on the MS Windows 98 Setup CD-ROM [97 KB, free] works also with Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x, 98 SP1, 98 SE(U) and ME. Shows all your drives/partitions specs, sizes and the disk space saved should you decide to convert existing FAT16 partition(s)/disk(s) to FAT32.
UPDATE: "Thanks for the FAT32 analysis - very comprehensive and understandable. I have only one suggestion:
You might consider a mention of users with Compressed Hard Drives who cannot use FAT32 and for whom Partition Magic is of little use. Of course, this applies to older machines with their small hard drives, but I read that the average age of PCs in use is about 3 years with many machines well past the 5 year mark. Many of these probably can't or don't run Win9x for various reasons, but for those that do, the substitute to FAT32 is DriveSpace which comes with Microsoft Plus! for Win95 [the Desktop Themes and Pinball game are just space wasting fluff to those with small hard drives]. As a result of using DriveSpace [on a 250 MB hard drive] the cluster size on C: is 8,192 bytes and on H: [the C: Host drive] is 4,096 bytes. The other caveat: minimize cluster waste by deleting unused files, zip several files together if appropriate and send files/programs off to portable drives if possible. If stuck with a small hard drive, apply a "worthy to keep" test to every file that is added."
[Thank you Ojatex (!]

Below are detailed ALL available FDISK parameters, including the UNDOCUMENTED + HIDDEN ones:



Use ALL FDISK.EXE command line switches with CAUTION, ONLY from native/real MS-DOS mode, NOT from a Windows DOS box/session, even full screen!

FDISK /FPRMT [Windows 95B OSR2 + MS-DOS 7.10 and above ONLY]
FDISK /FPRMT bypasses the FDISK startup screen, but enables interactive FAT16/FAT32 support. This can be used to force FDISK to create FAT32 partitions smaller than 512 MB, normally not possible by default.

FDISK x /PRI:n (/PRIO:n) /EXT:n /LOG:n (/LOGO:n) [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]
FDISK x /PRI:n (or /PRIO:n) /EXT:n /LOG:n (or /LOGO:n) MUST be used together for proper operation. Meaning:

x = drive number: 1, 2, 3... etc. Drive 1 corresponds to the 1st hard disk installed (C), drive 2 to second hard disk (D)... etc.
/PRI:n = creates a primary partition of size n (in MegaBytes) and makes it bootable (active).
/PRIO:n = creates a primary partition of size n (in MegaBytes) and makes it bootable (active) while overriding FAT16/FAT32.
/EXT:n = creates an extended partition of size n (in MegaBytes) which holds logical partition(s).
/LOG:n = creates a logical drive in the extended partition of size n (in MegaBytes).
/LOGO:n = creates a logical drive in the extended partition of size n (in MegaBytes) while overriding FAT16/FAT32.
If using FAT16 maximum size allowed is 2,047 MB (2 GigaBytes).
If using FAT32 maximum size allowed is 2,047 GB (2 TeraBytes).
Maximum partition size MUST be equal to or smaller than existing free disk space.
/EXT:n and /LOG:n (or /LOGO:n) partition sizes MUST be identical.
Only one FDISK "LOG" is allowed per EACH logical drive! Therefore on computers with more than one logical drive you MUST run a separate FDISK x /LOG:n (or /LOGO:n) command for EACH installed drive.
ONLY IF using Windows 95B OSR 2.0 + MS-DOS 7.10 or newer: /PRI:n and /LOG:n default to FAT32 on partitions larger than 512 MB, or to FAT16 on partitions smaller than 512 MB. /PRIO:n and /LOGO:n default to FAT16 even on partitions larger than 512 MB, same as older MS-DOS 5.00/6.xx FDISK.
ONLY Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x, 98, 98 SE(U), 2000, ME, XP and 2003 support FAT32.
Use /LOGO:n instead of /LOG:n and/or /PRIO:n instead of /PRI:n to ignore FAT information in case of disk access errors.

FDISK /MBR [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]
FDISK /MBR recreates the boot sector of the first (bootable) hard disk overwriting it with a fresh copy, by writing a new Master Boot Record (MBR) based on existent disk structure, without altering the partition table information.
Can be used to repair a damaged/corrupted MBR (i.e. by a virus).


Official MSKB info
Master Boot Records
Partition Table, MBR + Drive Overlays.
WARNING: Writing the master boot record to the hard disk in this manner can render certain hard disks partitioned with SpeedStor unusable! It can also cause problems for some dual-boot programs (including Windows 95) or for disks with more than 4 partitions!

During the bootup sequence, at the end of the ROM BIOS bootstrap routine, the BIOS will read and execute the first physical sector of the first available floppy or hard drive on the system. This sector is called the Master Boot Record (MBR), or Master Boot Block (MBB), or Partition Table.
A small program is stored at the beginning of this sector and the partition table is stored at the end of this sector. This program uses the available partition information to determine which partition is bootable (usually the first primary DOS/WIN partition) and attempts to boot from it.

NOTE: The largest partition MS-DOS beginning with release 5.00 and up to Windows 95a OSR1 versions of FDISK can create/recognize is 2 GB (GigaBytes).
The 2 GB partition limit has been overcome by Microsoft (FINALLY!), beginning with Windows 95B OSR 2.0. Named the FAT32 file system, it supports partitions/drives up to 2 TB (TeraBytes).
Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003 have their own 32-bit protected file system called NTFS, INCOMPATIBLE with FAT32 or FAT16!


There is a problem when installing a new hard drive on your system under Windows 95 [original retail] or 95a OSR1 [upgraded with SP1].
If you upgraded from MS-DOS 5.00 (or earlier), your primary hard disk, formatted under your old version of MS-DOS, contains the MBR (the Master Boot Record, also called the boot sector) written by the hard disk formatting utility (FDISK) provided with MS-DOS. When you add another hard disk under Win95, you format and partition it with the Win95/OSR1 (MS-DOS 7.00) version of FDISK.
This means that each drive was formatted and partitioned under a different OS, but Windows 95/OSR1 WON'T RECOGNIZE YOUR DRIVE! There is nothing wrong, don't panic. :) It's "just" another glitch in the OS, something Microsoft overlooked! :(
When a drive is formatted/partitioned under Win95/OSR1 the MBR tells the OS that the drive is a Windows (WIN) drive. If your drive was formatted/partitioned under earlier versions of MS-DOS (3.0 - 6.22) the drive is recognized as an MS-DOS (DOS) drive.
All you have to do is refresh the MBR by running FDISK (the Windows 95/95a OSR1 version) with the UNDOCUMENTED /MBR switch on the old drive, which repairs the boot sector by overwriting it with a fresh copy:
The boot record (MBR) will be refreshed without reformatting the drive or losing any data!
I presumed your primary (old) hard disk has assigned the letter C (single logical partition) and your new (secondary) hard disk is D (also with a single logical partition). Change drive letters if different on your system and/or if you have more than 1 partition per each hard disk.
This can be done ONLY from native/real MS-DOS mode AFTER you EXIT Win95/OSR1 GUI to MS-DOS or (re)BOOT with the "Command prompt only" option from the Startup Menu.
If the Win95 OS doesn't recognize the new drive, then you can ONLY do this after rebooting into your old MS-DOS version, using the dual-boot feature implemented into Win95 OS. This means you MUST have kept your old MS-DOS files (including FDISK) on your primary (old) hard disk.
You also need to have kept the old drive as primary (master) and set the new one as secondary (slave).
Reboot when done. Your (newly installed) hard drive should be recognized by the OS from now on.
Now you can change the new drive to "master" (primary boot drive) and setup the old one as "slave", especially if the new one is faster.
Sounds pretty complicated, but you may have to do this some day, and it's better than reformatting the entire drive, and losing precious data.
There is still another way to refresh/fix the MBR: run the Windows Scandisk tool (Scandskw.exe, located in your main Windows folder) on ALL hard drives on your system. It will automatically refresh the MBR (as needed) if it is damaged.

A MUST: Install Microsoft Windows 95 and 95a OSR1 LBA and INT13 IDE Hard Disk Data Loss DISKTSD.VXD Fix:
More info.

NOTE: The "MBR BUG" does NOT affect Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x, 98/98 SE(U) or ME.

FYI: Partition Magic overcomes the above Windows 95/OSR1 limitation, and makes ANY hard drive compatible with ANY Microsoft operating system and ANY FAT system (and much more). Retails for $30-60 at most computer stores. IMHO it's worth every penny, it saved my "computing life" more than once! :)
Supports Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x/98/98 SE(U)/ME FAT32/FAT32X and NT4/2000/XP/2003 NTFS/NTFS5 file system standards.

FDISK /Q [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]
FDISK /Q prevents rebooting the computer automatically after altering the partition information by using FDISK with other parameters.

FDISK /STATUS [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]
FDISK /STATUS displays a screen similar to using FDISK's option 4: "Partition information", but shows also extended partition information (if any).

FDISK /X [Windows 95 + MS-DOS 7.00 and above ONLY]
FDISK /X limits disk access to a total of 8.4 GB even on larger physical drives, even if the BIOS supports INT13h extensions for hard disks over 8.4 GB, thus preventing the use of 0E and 0F partition types, by ignoring LBA (Logical Block Addressing) and extended disk information.
This makes possible disk partitioning on computers with older BIOSes without support for hard disks larger than 8.4 GB.
Use /X to start FDISK if you receive disk access, stack overflow and/or data corruption error messages.

FDISK /ACTOK [Windows 95B OSR 2.0 + MS-DOS 7.10 and above ONLY]
FDISK /ACTOK skips disk integrity checking, thus speeding up the partitioning process.

FDISK /CMBR x [Windows 95B OSR 2.0 + MS-DOS 7.10 and above ONLY]
FDISK /CMBR x MUST be used together for proper operation. Recreates the boot sector of the second, third... etc hard disk(s) (if any) overwriting it (them) with a fresh copy, by writing a new Master Boot Record (MBR) based on existent disk structure, without altering the partition table information. Valid values for x:

1 = first (bootable) physical hard disk (same as using FDISK /MBR):
2 = second (not bootable) physical hard disk (if any):
3 = third (not bootable) physical hard disk (if any):
... etc.
Can be used to repair a damaged/corrupted MBR (i.e. by a virus).

FDISK /PARTN saves the partition information to a plain text file called PARTSAV.FIL, which can be viewed afterwards using any text editor/viewer, like EDIT.COM in DOS or Notepad in Windows.

FDISK /PRMT adds extra prompt ["nagging" :)] screens which require user input (key press) before proceeding further.




FORMAT.COM is an external MS-DOS command, located by default in %winbootdir%\COMMAND (default is C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND) [Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00] or in the MS-DOS 6.xx directory (default is C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS) [MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22].
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the FORMAT.COM command line switches (the documented ones anyway), run one of these commands from any DOS prompt:
to display the FORMAT.COM help screen.
NOTE: FORMAT drive: /Q (documented switch) performs a QUICK format ONLY IF the respective drive/partition is already formatted.

FORMAT /AUTOTEST checks for the existing format of your disk, unless the /U (UNCONDITIONAL) parameter is also used, and then proceeds with an UNATTENDED DISK(ETTE) FORMAT:

DOES NOT prompt for a volume label!
DOES NOT prompt to format another disk(ette)!
NO delay: NO user intervention!
Ends WITHOUT pausing!
After completion, it DOES display disk space statistics, ONLY IF using MS-DOS 5.00/6.xx.
WARNING: This works on BOTH hard and floppy drives!

FORMAT drive: /BACKUP [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]
FORMAT drive: /BACKUP works exactly like /AUTOTEST, applies ONLY to floppy diskettes, but it DOES prompt the user for a volume label, and it DOES display disk space information upon completion.

FORMAT drive: /SELECT [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]
FORMAT drive: /SELECT is similar to using the MIRROR command [a MS-DOS 5.00 and earlier ONLY utility, removed from all MS-DOS releases beginning with 6.00], and reads the disk(ette) system area (sector 0).
In MS-DOS 4.0 FORMAT /SELECT has the same effect as FORMAT /BACKUP.
[Thank you William (!]

FORMAT drive: /U [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]
FORMAT drive: /U performs an UNCONDITIONAL format, which DESTROYS every byte of data on ANY hard disk/floppy by overwriting it with zeroes (hex F6h).
WARNING: ANY disk(ette) formatted using /U canNOT be UNFORMATTED!

FORMAT drive: /SELECT /U [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]
FORMAT drive: /SELECT /U makes a disk(ette) UNREADABLE by filling the system area (sector 0) with zeroes (hex F6h), due to using these two incompatible options together. All other sectors are left intact.
[Thank you William (!]
WARNING: NEVER use these two FORMAT switches TOGETHER on ANY drive!

FORMAT drive: /Z:n [Windows 95B OSR 2.0 + MS-DOS 7.10 and above ONLY]
FORMAT drive: /Z:n formats a FAT32 drive with a cluster size of n times 512 Bytes.
drive: = your hard drive letter: C:, D:, E:... etc.
n = number of sectors per cluster multiplied by 512 (cluster size in Bytes).
n = 1 creates a 512 Bytes cluster;
n = 2 creates a 1024 Bytes (1 KB) cluster;
n = ? creates a ? x 512 = ???? Bytes (???? Bytes : 1024 = ? KB) cluster.
You can modify the size of the allocation units (sectors) on a FAT32 drive to your heart desire.
WARNING: It is NOT recommended to change the default cluster size, because some programs such as disk-repair/anti-virus tools may STOP working properly!




HIMEM.SYS is the Microsoft high/upper/extended memory manager, located by default in C:\WINDOWS [Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00], C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS [MS-DOS 5.00/6.xx].
MS Windows (ANY release) canNOT start without HIMEM.SYS loaded!
HIMEM.SYS can be loaded ONLY in CONFIG.SYS using the DEVICE command. Example:
HIMEM.SYS's DEVICE line MUST appear in CONFIG.SYS before ANY other device drivers loaded with DEVICE, DEVICEHIGH, INSTALL or INSTALLHIGH, including EMM386.EXE.
HIMEM.SYS provides access to the High Memory Area (HMA), Upper Memory Area (UMA) and coordinates the use of the computer's extended memory, so that no two programs or device drivers use the same memory area at the same time.
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the HIMEM.SYS command line switches (the documented ones anyway):
Windows 95/98/ME users: use Notepad to read the "HIMEM.SYS" topic in MSDOSDRV.TXT, a text file located in your Windows folder.
MS-DOS 6.xx users: run this command from any DOS prompt:
and read the topic.
See also the HIMEM.SYS related topics in MEMORY.TXT + EMM386.TXT, both part of my ©Tricks + Secrets files.

DEVICE=drive:\path\HIMEM.SYS /Q [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]
HIMEM.SYS /Q (QUIET) disables the display of HIMEM.SYS loading status during bootup. Only error messages will be shown, IF the Logo=0 line exists in MSDOS.SYS, under the [Options] section, valid ONLY for Windows 95/98/ME OS.
This switch is valid ONLY for HIMEM.SYS versions 3.10 [MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22] up to 3.95 [MS Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00].




MEM.EXE is an external MS-DOS command, located by default in %winbootdir%\COMMAND (default is C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND) [Windows 95/98/ME, a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00] or in the MS-DOS 6.xx directory (default is C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS) [MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22].
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the MEM.EXE command line switches (the documented ones anyway), run one of these commands from any DOS prompt:
MEM /?
to display the MEM.EXE help screen.
MEM /A [MS-DOS 6.00 and above ONLY]

MEM /A (ALL) displays a short summary screen of your memory configuration and also the status of the HMA.
HMA (High Memory Area) is a little known 64 KB area just above the first MegaByte (1 MB = 1,024 KB = 1,048,576 Bytes) of RAM as mapped by Microsoft HIMEM.SYS memory manager or another 3rd party upper/extended/expanded memory manager, like Quarterdeck QEMM386, Helix NetRoom RM386, Qualitas 386MAX, Lineo DR-DOS EMM386 etc.
Part of the DOS resident module and DOS BUFFERS usually load into the HMA, ONLY IF this memory region is free at bootup.
Example of MEM /A output display (only the HMA info shown here):

"Available space in High Memory Area 1K (944 bytes)
MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area."
To display ALL available memory configuration at a DOS prompt, run:
MEM /A /C /P
or if you prefer technical details (conventional/upper memory regions map and exact hex addresses where all loaded devices/drivers/TSRs reside), run:
NOTE: High DOS is enabled by this CONFIG.SYS line (the "HIGH" switch):




VER is an internal MS-DOS command, built into COMMAND.COM. An actual file does not exist.
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the VER command line switch (the documented one anyway), run one of these commands from any DOS prompt:
VER /?
valid for all MS-DOS 6.xx and Windows 95/98/ME users.
VER /R [MS-DOS 5.00 and above ONLY]

VER /R (REVISION) displays extended DOS info: the DOS revision and the memory location of the DOS module, in addition to using the plain VER command.
Example of screen output for plain VER command (using Win98 SE + MS-DOS 7.10):

"Windows 98 [Version 4.10.2222]"

Example of screen output for VER /R command (using Win98 SE + MS-DOS 7.10):

"Windows 98 [Version 4.10.2222]
Revision A
DOS is in HMA"




WIN.COM is the Windows GUI (Graphical User Interface) command line executable located in %winbootdir% (default is C:\WINDOWS).
IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the WIN.COM command line parameters (the documented ones anyway):
WIN /?
from any DOS prompt, to display the WIN.COM help screen.
See the "Windows 95/98 WIN.COM Command Line Switches" MSKB article.
See the "Windows 3.1 WIN.COM Command Switches" MSKB article.
See these related topics, also part of W95-11D.EXE:
FYI: Microsoft removed ALL undocumented WIN.COM switches detailed below from Windows Millennium Edition (ME)!

WIN /MQ [Windows 95B OSR 2.1 and above ONLY]
WIN /MQ automatically restarts the computer (soft reboot), without prompting or waiting for input (key press). This is similar to Quarterdeck QEMM's QuickBoot, which calls INT19h to reboot almost instantaneously (VERY FAST!) without performing any BIOS/CMOS hardware or OS/software checking.
CAUTION: This fast reboot routine may generate error messages and/or lockups!
This switch works ONLY IF executed from the native/real/true MS-DOS mode OUTSIDE the Windows 95/98 GUI, NOT from WITHIN Windows in a DOS box/session.
This DOS secret suggested by phish.

WIN /W [Windows 95 and above ONLY]
WIN /W generates this message:

"Press any key to continue...
Pressing a key reboots the system back to Windows 95 (98)."
waiting for user input (key press), and then restarts the computer (warm reboot), restoring the original CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in the root directory of the boot drive from CONFIG.WOS and AUTOEXEC.WOS (if any). This is useful when the computer is restarted after interrupting a "single" mode MS-DOS session, because of this CONFIG.SYS line:
which does NOT allow Windows 95/98 GUI to load.
This switch works ONLY IF executed from the native/real/true MS-DOS mode OUTSIDE the Windows 95/98 GUI, NOT from WITHIN Windows in a DOS box/session.

The .WOS files are created when you run a DOS based program that requires a separate MS-DOS reboot setup (in "single" mode), and you have selected the "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration" check box in the PIF file Properties tab.
For more details see "MS-DOS PROMPT", also in MYTIPS95.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE].

WIN /WX [Windows 95 and above ONLY]
WIN /WX automatically restarts the computer (warm reboot), without prompting or waiting for input (key press), and restores the original CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in the root directory of the boot drive from CONFIG.WOS and AUTOEXEC.WOS (if any). This is useful when the computer is restarted after interrupting a "single" mode MS-DOS session, because of this CONFIG.SYS line:
which does NOT allow Windows 95/98 GUI to load.
This switch works ONLY IF executed from the native/real/true MS-DOS mode OUTSIDE the Windows 95/98 GUI, NOT from WITHIN Windows in a DOS box/session.

The .WOS files are created when you run a DOS based program that requires a separate MS-DOS reboot setup (in "single" mode), and you have selected the "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration" check box in the PIF file Properties tab.
For more details see "MS-DOS PROMPT", also in MYTIPS95.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE].

WIN /Z [Windows 95B OSR 2.1 and above ONLY]
WIN /Z automatically forces the ATX power supply to (soft-)power off the computer ONLY on ATX motherboards, without prompting or waiting for input (key press).
This switch works ONLY IF executed from the native/real/true MS-DOS mode OUTSIDE the Windows GUI, NOT from WITHIN Windows in a DOS prompt/box/session.
This DOS secret suggested by Shaminda (

WIN : [Windows 3.xx + WfWG 3.1x ONLY]
WIN : starts Windows 3.xx or Windows for WorkGroups 3.1x WITHOUT displaying the startup logo (RLE encoded, 16 colors).
This switch works ONLY IF executed from the native/real/true MS-DOS mode OUTSIDE the Windows/WfWG GUI, NOT from WITHIN Windows/WfWG in a DOS prompt/box/session.
CAUTION: This switch may cause sudden lockups with some older video controllers!
NOTE: To learn about another (SAFE) method of starting Windows/WfWG 3.1x without a logo, see NEWLOGO.TXT [part of W31-11D.ZIP].


©1996-2004 AXCEL216 + MDGx: Everything here is copyrighted FREEware, SOLELY for PROFIT-FREE use! I have created [August 1996], maintain and update these web pages entirely by hand using Programmer's File Editor [replaced MS Notepad]. I do NOT promote, speak in the behalf of, advertise or work for ANY computing, news or internet profit business. All ®registered ©copyrights and ™trademarks referred herein retain the property of their respective owners.

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