Computer Virus Removal EMERGENCIES NO EXTRA CHARGE Panic Popups Porn Spam Computer runs slowly or freezes Is your computer running as fast as when you first brought it home? A general clean up gets it running faster. Removing viruses, infections, spyware, trojans and adware. Hate VISTA? I can reinstall windows xp! Have VISTA and want to move to Windows 7? I'll be your advisor... Upgrade RAM, larger hard drive, dvd burner? Hardware upgrades available.

Friday, September 17, 2010

April 14, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff

April 14, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff

1) Vista is here. To buy or not to be, that is the question !

DETAILS of above headlines
1) Vista is here. To buy or not to be, that is the question !

a) If your old computer is working:

Should you buy a new computer?

Answer: NO

If you define working as:
fast enough to live with
no viruses, porn or popups
meets your needs
has not changed your life style
(ie: slowed down, so now you read the paper
before going on line....)
Then why buy a new computer? This one will do !

Suggestion: "Tune up"

Your computer should be looked at, at least once a year.
Visual inspect and remove dirt (yes, dirt!)
Update all software programs
Remove temporary files and folders
Remove programs no longer in use
Find and kill viruses and remove or reset resource hogging programs.

Suggested time: Two hours ($120 in area, $140 out of area)

b) If your old computer is NOT working
or it has slowed unmercifully to a crawl
and is out of disk space or out of ram (system resources)

Should you buy a new computer?

Answer: YES

The operating system sold in each new computer is called VISTA.
It replaces Windows XP.

Vista needs more processing power than Windows XP.

The major difference with Vista is that it is actually friendlier
to use for the average normal person.
Why? Well, a "normal" user just uses the computer to read email,
to surf the internet, and to take pictures and email them off to family.

Vista does a nice job of displaying pictures, documents and folders.

But, Vista takes more processing power. Thus the new computer.
Its not worth taking an old computer and upgrading it to Vista from XP.
Two reasons: The cost of the operating system, and the hardware
on an old computer most likely is not "compatible".

Suggestion: "Buy a new computer"

But which one? What will it cost? Problems?

New computers will run between $400 and $1200

The $400 computer will run about as fast, or faster then your current
computer - but Vista will not have a lot of bells and whistles.
It will, however, be easier to use than the old computer.
And, with my help, can be "tweaked" to run as fast as the old computer.

Services: "decrappifying" the old computer (remove unwanted programs
and make sure it runs as fast as it can)
Transfer emails, pictures, word documents and favourites
from the old computer to the new computer.
Cost: $180 (picked up one day, usually returned the next day)

The $1200 computer will run much faster then you are used to !
It will have AERO - which is Vista's new graphics system. This means
you can have "gadgets" on the sidebar (I've used mine to show news
and family pictures). It will also enable you to run multiple programs,
to see multiple web pages, and really be able to search your computer
for words and pictures faster and better (Windows XP could search
by name of file - Vista can search by keywords when you describe
the picture as you store it!)

c) Warnings?
Would I be doing my job if I didn't tell you about potential problems?

1) Vista computers MAY NOT support your old printers, scanners or
cameras. Some programs may not be transferable (assuming you have
them on disk.)
This means a $400 computer might need a new printer, thus adding
to your costs.

2) Learning curve. With each new operating system, there are new
concepts to grasp. Vista is no exception. Things you have CLICKED on
before - are going to be in different places. In some cases, not even there!

3) UAC - User Account Control. Microsoft in their bizarre wisdom
for computer security will pop up a message every time you add or delete
a program or hardware device. Its annoying, but it's not that hard to
get used to. In some cases, it will actually save your computer.

4) Popup killer. This was my all time favourite program from 15 years ago!
It no longer works on Vista ! What becomes very strange, is that
Internet Explorer or Windows Defender DO NOT STOP Certain popups ! Really!
On a positive note, malicious popups are less likely to infect your
computer. However, getting rid of these popups can be a challenge.
Try to see some tame popups not caught by Vista (or XP).

d) Sunday - Your next decision !

Are you going to buy a new computer?
Do you need help choosing the right one?
Are you worried about hardware support? After purchase telephone support?
(Hopefully, you know where to look for all your software support!)

I'll start posting, on my web page each Sunday morning,
"suggested purchase decision makers and breakers"

If you need a "personal shopper", send an email and best time to call.
We can set up a time. Cost for purchase decisions? $30
AND if you buy a computer and have me set it up - you can ask for
a $30 credit from the $180 - for being a preferred customer!

e) In closing: What to do with your old computer?

Two choices: Keep it in the family, but have it tuned up.
"Network" your house to be on line with 2+ computers at once.
OR: Have it wiped clean, and ready to be donated to charity.
This service costs $60 (data saved to CD's and returned to you)
or, I'll "buy" the computer back from you, by cleaning the computer for free.

ps: If your current computer needs PARTS (memory, keyboard, mouse, monitor etc)
Please let me know. Include the MANUFACTURER, MAKE and SERIAL NUMBER of the
computer, to ensure the new (or used) parts will work on your computer.

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