Computer Virus Removal EMERGENCIES NO EXTRA CHARGE Panic Popups Porn Spam Computer runs slowly or freezes Is your computer running as fast as when you first brought it home? A general clean up gets it running faster. Removing viruses, infections, spyware, trojans and adware. Hate VISTA? I can reinstall windows xp! Have VISTA and want to move to Windows 7? I'll be your advisor... Upgrade RAM, larger hard drive, dvd burner? Hardware upgrades available.

Friday, September 17, 2010

June 8, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff

June 8, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff

Click on the HARDWARE FOR SALE menu item in the upper right
Wireless Router / Adapters, Hard Drives for storage or replacements
Even a working older computer - keep your email away from the good computer!

Its back! Request 2 hours of my time, get the 3rd hour free!

1) List and Describe "Computer Virus Removal" services

2) Other computer services:
Safety and security.
Sharing the internet, files, and printers.
Wireless set up. Routers.
Pictures, scanning, Internet usage (tutor/teach)

3) Web Sites. Web Hosting. Your own web mail address!

4) Business Services:
Get NOTICED. Get higher rankings in GOOGLE etc
Save money. Gain customers. Keep the rating going.

DETAILS of above headlines

Its back! Request 2 hours of my time, get the 3rd hour free!
This is great news for people who have questions,
and who are watching the clock while I fix their computer.
Also great for making sure that ALL viruses are removed,
not just the nasty one that forced you to pick up the phone.
- Does not include data backup or system restore services.

1) List and Describe "Computer Virus Removal" services

- Virus Removal (bread and butter of the business)

Viruses can be easy to spot:
They lock up your computer.
You can not get to the internet.
Popups (small browser windows).
Your HOME PAGE is gone.
Blank pages, or searching gets very wrong results.
Your computer does not boot up, or you get the famous
BSOD - Blue Screen Of Death !!!

Name the worst ones:
Spylocked, Winantivirus, Brave Sentry, Haxdoor, Spybot

How long does it take?
A "good" virus can be deleted within an hour.
A "bad" virus may disable the registry and wipe your computer!

Is there a way to be truly "SAFE" on the internet?
No. But there are ways to be "safer".
Things you should never do, or do with caution.

How often should I have my computer looked at?
Every six months at a minimum. Every three months is optimum.
Computers should be professionally scanned and cleaned
and data files backed up.
Be prepared to lose everything on your computer at any time.

2) Other computer services:

Safety and security.
Installing, updating, scanning ANTI VIRUS SOFTWARE.
What to purchase. What NOT to purchase!

What needs to be backed up? What files and folders?
How do I GET to these? How do I make a LIST of things I need?
How often do I need to do this? Where do I store things?

Sharing the internet, files, printers.
If you have a high speed internet connection then you
are open to sharing your computer on the internet!
If you have more than one computer in the house,
you can share files, folders and printers with those other
computers - BUT DO IT SAFELY.
What do I need? Hardware to purchase. Help installing it.
Help protecting my computer and the other computers from
each other, from my neighbours, and from the internet!

Wireless set up. Routers.
Along with high speed internet, did you know you can
connect computers wirelessly? Routers can be hard to install.
Even harder to figure out when they stop working!
Get a lesson on what YOU can do - and save yourself many
hours of "free telephone support" with the cable or dsl
company (and then the router company after learning
cable and dsl will not help you!)
Again: Security is an issue. Don't believe me?
Hire me to test your security from your driveway!

Pictures, scanning, internet usage (tutor/teach)
Using a computer CAN be difficult.
We may never get to the stage where the computer does exactly
what WANT it to do - in English!
But computer usage CAN BE LEARNED - and it isn't that hard to do!
When you have someone beside you, to answer questions
you CAN learn HOW to do stuff and how to LEARN TO LEARN.
Since learning can be a slow process....
ask for my "tutoring rate" - you'll be surprised at the discounts!

3) Web Sites. Web Hosting. Your own web mail address!
You can have your own web site for only $160 a year.
Why would you want a web site?
- You can send and receive huge files - (you are probably limited
to 5 megabytes right now) A 30 second movie is 3-5 mbs!
- With a Personal Web Site - you get your 15+ minutes of fame
- Share email addresses with the family (

4) Business Services: WEB PAGE and WEB RANKING
Get NOTICED. Get on the first page. Get higher rankings in GOOGLE etc
Save money. Gain customers. Keep on that first page for a long time....

Why would a BUSINESS want a discounted web site?
How do I get on the first page of GOOGLE (etc)?

- You can draw business when people search the internet
- You don't want to spend tens of thousands to "look professional"
when all you want to do is get people to call you!
- A web site is a great first step.
- It is great for some businesses, but not all businesses!
[ Sure, if you google Apopka Virus, you'll see my name all over.
But let's face it, if a new customer has a problem with their computer
they can't find me - because they can't even get on the internet! ]

- Cost benefit analysis:
How much are you spending on the Yellow Pages and other forms of advertising?
What is the VALUE for getting a new customer?
Do you get repeat business from customers? Word of mouth referrals?
- COMPARE other approaches: Pay Per Click (PPC).
Provided you learn how to intelligently position yourself/business
to be found on the net, you can PAY each time someone clicks on
your link (to your web site). Works for real visitors and for "bot" programs!
- Now compare the old fashioned, hands on, get linked, get noticed approach...
COSTS: I charge $980 (that's why I asked what ONE customer is worth to you.
and how many customers do you need to make this work! And that's why I
asked how much are you spending on advertising right now. And also do you
currently get your leads and qualified sales from the internet?)
For $980, I will dedicate 3+ hours a week, for 3 months (yes, it could take
that long to be noticed) 3 months because you want the results to
last for a long time. Pay Per Click costs about 25 cents per click. 4,000 clicks = $1,000.
But when you stop paying, your advert is YANKED from the top!
With my services, you will be on the search engines for a long time.
How do I pay?
All up front before any work is started.
Why? Because once I start, you will get noticed. In some cases,
within 24 hours. And once I start, the rankings do not easily disappear.
[Even web sites that have been deleted stick around in "cache"]
It is true that rankings may not last. Search Engine Optimization rules
change constantly. Based on my notes, which are part of the package,
you too can keep up the rankings - or keep me on retainer at a reduced rate.

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