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Friday, September 17, 2010

November 9, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff

November 9, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff


1) WEB 2.0 - Social Networking

2) Web Hosting - Downtime - Back up

3) Vista - Is it gaining support?

4) Latest viruses

5) Busier - but always time for you! (response time)

DETAILS of above headlines

1) WEB 2.0 - Social Networking

By now, you've heard this buzz word "WEB 2.0".

It refers to something called "social networking". (insert humour: by definition,
to be "social" means to "network" - Social means to connect with other human beings -
thus the word "Society")

But in the Web 2.0 context, it means to find a better way to connect to each other,
using the Internet - by computer or by mobile device (phone).

What is happening is that normal one-sided or biased opinionated reporting is now
open to more people. Instead of one newscaster, or reporter (with a degree in
journalism and some ability in English and spell check) you now get to hear multiple
sides of a given story, closer in "real time" - as it happens.

The Lemming approach to reporting does not ensure fair or accurate reporting, but if
it has a value, it would be to offset the current media approach (be it "liberal" or
"All American" or gender based).

Whew. The above definition may be a huge turn off!!!!

Back to the HOW of Web 2.0

There is a browser (remember that Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla's FireFox
are browsers) that embodies a BUNCH of WEB 2.0 applications:

(disclaimer: may be as prone to viruses as IE or FireFox)

Once you download FLOCK you can then get a bunch of "social applications"
- instead of going to each web site individually

(the following add-ons have been over simplified) (book marks, news articles)
flickr (video, pictures)
ma.gnolia (book marks from contacts)
twitter (tracking friends and texting)
facebook (photos, blogs, notes)
piczo (your web page, with pictures, notes...)
youtube (videos)
photobucket (pictures)

Its all about communication and sharing.
Connect to me: by username virusremoval
or email

Warning: When signing up for these sites, please refrain from using any personal information.
Your name, address, age/birth date, gender, phone number and other information may be
required to sign up. But there is no requirement to answer honestly.

The worry holds true for adults, but it is especially disconcerting how teenagers and
children approach WEB 2.0 - the world of computers can be a terrible place.

2) Web Hosting - Downtime - Back up

Well, my web site was down for 4 days (Saturday thru Tuesday). The upline hosting
company fumbled the ball.

If you tried to email me, and did not receive an answer - now you know why!
I did not get your email.

Luckily, only one of my customers noticed. His web site was down for 4 days as
well. And he thought that I had left town, gone out of business or didn't like him anymore.

I am still gung-ho on web hosting. For about $130 a year, you get your own web site
and your own email address ex:

BUT: This shows a different need for "backup".

Have you backed up your web site?
Do you have a copy of your web site somewhere safe?
Do you back up your DATA, PICTURES, EMAILS?
Is that back up located in the same building / house?
In a bank? With a friend / family member?
In the same city / state / country?

There is nothing like the loss of services (loss of a web site, internet, computer etc)
to teach you a strong lesson on "what to do when bad things happen to good people" !!

By the way: If you have not backed up your computer within the last month - isn't it about time?

3) Vista - Is it gaining support?


In a survey of Businesses, over 80% said they have no intention of moving to the latest
operating system. In fact, with new purchases of computers, VISTA is wiped out, and
Windows XP is reinstalled.

As usual, COMPUTER VIRUS REMOVAL will do this for you. With each new computer, my
"decrappify service" will create a VISTA recovery disk, wipe the computer clean, and
reinstall Windows XP. $180 same price as always

You get your familiar operating system on a super fast computer without having to worry
about a computer that wouldn't be able to run a lot of your programs (ie acad,
voice activation, old proprietary software).

4) Latest viruses

How do you know if you have a killer virus or just a little bugger that annoys you?

Sadly, there isn't much difference!!!!

Unlike the viruses of years ago - which were meant to annoy and pester you
- example: wipe your computer, stop access to the internet
The viruses of today are mostly of CRIMINAL INTENT
- they want your financial information, passwords, access numbers, bank accounts, contact lists.

If you have been infected with a virus, consider contacting your bank, credit card and
other financial institutions.

Name a few viruses: winantiviruspro, virus burster, storm

Name a place to get a virus:
(the free software comes with free viruses)

5) Busier - but always time for you! (response time)

If you have called me recently, you may have noticed that I've been swamped with calls.

I consider every call an emergency, and will try my best to help you as soon as possible.

In order to NOT raise my rates (and no one would like that!), here is something you can
do when calling:

a) Try to call on a THURSDAY, FRIDAY or SUNDAY. These seem to be my least busiest days.

b) If you are calling and want a quick question answered: use email.
- When I am with a customer, I can't really chat with you (no offence). State what you
need done, and set up an appointment.
- any time I am on the phone, I have to give back this time to my current customer.

c) Brain Drain: My service is my brain (all joking aside, please!) What you may think
is an easy question - it's something I bill out! Bundle up your questions, make an
appointment for a "tune up" or "clean up" - and ask your questions then! Heck - ask for
a class on "computers" ! see schiffkeytopic.htm

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