Computer Virus Removal EMERGENCIES NO EXTRA CHARGE Panic Popups Porn Spam Computer runs slowly or freezes Is your computer running as fast as when you first brought it home? A general clean up gets it running faster. Removing viruses, infections, spyware, trojans and adware. Hate VISTA? I can reinstall windows xp! Have VISTA and want to move to Windows 7? I'll be your advisor... Upgrade RAM, larger hard drive, dvd burner? Hardware upgrades available.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 10, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff

September 10, 2007 - News by Jerrold Schiff


1) Types of SPAM (revealed - examples of redirection)

2) VISTA's (operating system) first deadly virus!

3) Keep you computer longer: Defrag, update, backup, add RAM

4) The need for ENGLISH. Be "computer literate."
- How to install a program. What to click on.
- How does it work - What if it goes wrong

5) Disembodied PC (Taking the place of a computer)

6) Connecting to the Internet (broadband - cable or dsl)

7) Phone support pricing (paid by the honour system)

8) Web Hosting

9) Publicity (Search Engine Optimization)

Footnotes (statistics)

DETAILS of above headlines

1) Types of SPAM (revealed - examples of redirection)
Money Transfer Schemes
Banking Verification
Credit Reports
Password Reset

WHAT IS REDIRECTION (phishing etc)
What you SEE is a called the "visible link" to a web site
How it works:
Web pages and emails use HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE (html).
Below is an example SHOWING a good LINK -- (
So, if you click on it, you THINK you are going to see a
Toronto Newspaper. But, the HREF (referral) link is where you
ACTUALLY go. (www.redirect...)
Example of an attack: WHAT YOU SEE (mouse over BUT DO NOT CLICK ON)
a href ="" >
(the html brackets have been removed so that you can see what is going on!)

If you can not trust a web page, you SHOULD click on VIEW and SOURCE
then look at the TEXT - and see where it would take you.
For EMAILS - only view TEXT - do not view HTML. Its the only way to be
sure! I recommend purchasing MAILWASHER - which pre reads emails in
text form. Only emails you trust will go into your Outlook program.

Unhappy with the lack of control using aol, gmail, yahoo or hotmail?
For $130 a year, you can have your OWN EMAIL DOMAIN NAME !

2) VISTA's (operating system) first deadly virus!

Run - shut down your computer - scream - but don't go there ! claims to have 3 "great" free downloads
to rescue your computer.

WRONG. These programs place variations of Win Fixer on your computer.

And VISTA is not immune! It sends your computer into a reboot loop.

The good news is the virus (VISTA or XP) can be removed without
ruining your computer. The bad news is that the virus brings in
OTHER viruses - that MAY mess up your computer badly.
Please be careful.

3) Keep your computer longer: Defrag, update, backup, add RAM

Ask a car owner to change the oil and rotate the tires,
they KNOW it has to be done.
Ask a PC owner to defrag or do Windows Updates, and they
answer "Doesn't the computer do it on its own?"

James asked: "Don't you have a maintenance plan? I have a
lawn service, a pool service, I even take in my car
on a regular basis."
I would LIKE to offer a "warranty" service,
but I am too busy fighting emergencies from people who
SHOULD HAVE taken better care of their computers!

I hear this a lot: "Fixing my computer costs $180?
For that price, I could buy a brand new computer!"

True, the price of computers is coming down.
But the cheapest computer is over $350.
And it comes with VISTA - which barely runs with 512mb of ram.

Transferring your data adds $60 to the bill.

It also comes with freeware, trialware and spyware.
Tracking your every move and slowing the computer further.

Decrappifying a new computer costs $180.

Use this equation: If your computer is over 3 years old...
Then getting a new hard drive ($80) power supply ($40)
or RAM ($40 to $100) may not be worthwhile.

That's why a decision to fix or to buy can really
burn up some brain cells!

What do you think? Send me an email and I'll post your answers
without your last name, of course.

DATA BACKUPS: 2% of all hard drives fail each year.
If its YOUR HARD DRIVE - then it matters!
Back up your important files to a CD / DVD or external hard drive.
If you need help, or you've bought something (need instructions?)
or don't know which files to back up - set up an appointment.
The lesson is 30 minutes. Another approach is set up a
"maintenance call" - where I take your computer over night.
That includes a backup AND clean up /speed up of your computer ($180).

4) The need for ENGLISH. Be "computer literate."
[ Take this with a large grain of salt, please ]

I am attempting to write a "book" (to be published on my web site)
that explains
- For people without the time to read this"

Email in your questions. Your qualms.
Things that BUG you about computers.
Want to know a short cut? Want to figure out how to do something?
Email it all to me. (Unless you ask, your name will never be used)

What makes it ok to just "click on anything and hope for the best?"
Yet that is the approach most adults use with computers.
Ask them "how did that tool bar get there?"
What does that ICON do? When did you install that program?

The answer is usually a blank stare (or "Someone else did it")
And yet, knowing what you are doing, what is running on your
computer, why is it so slow, how to UNINSTALL a program...
These are good things to know!

Is this a bad thing? "If it ain't broke - don't fix it!"

Imagine you are at a restaurant: "Will you read this menu for me,
its in English, and I never bothered to learn to read."
- not acceptable, right?
But: "I'm computer illiterate?" - and that's ok in the year 2007?

5) Disembodied PC (Taking the place of a computer)

Are you getting ready for the next level of computing?
That's where the old desktop computer because just a storage
device - and everything plugs into it - if at all!

Think of a PALM Pilot - it would HOTSYNC (transfer) your
emails between the computer and the hand held device.
Now think of iPods, iPhones, mp3 players (music),
and 'jumpsticks' (flash memory on a USB card).

Funny thing about this trend towards a "Dick Tracy" world:
It tests your EYESIGHT and FINGERS as everything gets
cramped into a tiny space.

Strangely enough, speaking on your cell phone
about the most embarrassing things, in the most embarrassing
places is now acceptable....

And why isn't there a push for voice activated devices?
(Look up Dragon Naturally Speaking, and Microsoft
Speech Recognition)


6) Connecting to the Internet (broadband - cable or dsl)

If you can not get online, and you don't think it is
because of a virus (virus = obvious popups and
warning messages) then, please use this guide to
save yourself some time, and cost!

a) Unplug
Unplug your modem (and router). Turn off your computer.
Wait 30 seconds. Turn on your modem, wait. Turn on
your router (wait). Turn on your computer. Wait until
your anti virus software is loaded (3-5 minutes).
Now try the internet - and see if you are back online.

b) Cable / DSL company
"if the light on your modem and router are on..."
It is a free call to your Internet Provider or to
your router manufacturer. Provided you have 30 minutes
to be on hold and slowly repeat your phone number etc.
But since it would take me 30 minutes to get there...
Phoning these guys should be your second line of defence.

c) Me - Computer Virus Removal
If all else has failed, I should be available within
30 minutes (if not currently with a client).
I will debug your computer and connection problems.
Please note: There is an automatic $10 fee if you
get connected before I arrive, as I will have to
rearrange service calls for you.

Note: A router DOES slow down your computer.
The net on MY system goes thru a modem, wired router
and wireless router. Yes, its slow, but it feels safer.

Is your router SAFE? Are you sharing your internet
connection with your neighbours or the guy parked
in front of your house? You can be charged if they
illegally download movies and music! Call me to
show you how to lock up your router!

7) Phone support pricing (paid by the honour system)

Because of the number of repeat customers I support
(I'd like to think its because of good service, friendly,
timeliness and ability to explain things in English),
I can no longer offer phone support "5 minutes for free".

New rates (to be paid on the honour system - mail in a check).
Questions are $10. Answers are $20.
Because it is hard to know if a question can be answered
over the phone quickly, or if a service call is required;
Phone, ask your question - and as long as I am not with
a customer at the time - I'll tell you upfront whether
the question warrants a service call. Seems the fairest approach!

Remote assistance is available (if you can still get online).
How: You sign into Windows Live Messenger using - and I can fix your computer
from my house. It is slower over the net, but there is a
discount since it cuts down on my driving time!

Computer pricing research: $30 (waived if you order
the pre-install and setup decrapifying services for $180)

8) Web Hosting

Get your name on the internet! $132 per year
gets your own domain name (availability permitting).

You also get your own email domain name

9) Publicity (Search Engine Optimization)

Google apopka virus
Recognize anyone?

Your business may NEED this type of exposure
Your customers may use the internet FIRST !

Only 1% of my customers have used the internet to find me.
That's because they can't even get to the net on the problem computer!

Pricing varies on "search engine optimization". Starting at $500.


Study by Indiana University:
Men are more likely to click on a link sent by a woman, than sent
by a man. People on the FAR RIGHT or FAR LEFT of the political
scale are more vulnerable. They will trust emails from their
OWN BANK (etc) to click on links, but immediately ignore banks
they do not know.
Custom name attacks are more successful (code inserts your name
into the email).
People know NOT to click on a link. But they will CUT and PASTE
the link into their browser. (Instead, open up the browser and
TYPE it, ie:
Credit card numbers STARTING with the first 4 numbers are based
on the organization, so it only LOOKS legit. (ending with the
last 4 - is what they seek).

Study by CONSUMER REPORTS: ("study" does not mean facts, more
like opinions) Viruses prompted 1.8 million households to junk
their PC's older than 2 years.
17% of PC's have outdated or no virus protected
650,000 people have acted (bought) spam related products (from emails).
5% responded that children under the age of 18 have been exposed
to internet pornography (only 5%? and what percentage did this
on purpose too?)

Spam, by Country and percentage
United States leads by relaying 19.6%. Followed by
South Korea 6.5%, Poland 4.8% and Germany 4.2%
Spam is up 9% overall from the same quarter a year ago.
Broadband Speed: USA lags behind in average broadband speed: 2 Mbps,
Japan 61 Mbps, South Korea 45, France 17.
Americans with broadband: 47% ("Digital Divide" defines low income
Income less than $30k - 30% broadband. Rural areas 30%)

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