Computer Virus Removal EMERGENCIES NO EXTRA CHARGE Panic Popups Porn Spam Computer runs slowly or freezes Is your computer running as fast as when you first brought it home? A general clean up gets it running faster. Removing viruses, infections, spyware, trojans and adware. Hate VISTA? I can reinstall windows xp! Have VISTA and want to move to Windows 7? I'll be your advisor... Upgrade RAM, larger hard drive, dvd burner? Hardware upgrades available.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September, 2010 - News by Jerrold Schiff

September, 2010 - News by Jerrold Schiff

What would YOU like to see in these newsletters?
a) What to do with your old computer?
b) What is the current virus of the day? What does it do?
c) Hardware failures - which part of computer fails most often?
d) Windows Tricks and hints (like when do I right click versus left click?)
e) Favorite web page of the week?
f) Back up or lose your data
g) How to protect your computer

To heck with the survey, here are the answers......

a) Your old computer may be loaded with personal data, financials, cookies, passwords, pictures and favorites EVEN IF YOU TRIED TO DELETE IT. In other words, you could lose more than the value of the computer if it fell into the wrong hands! I charge a flat "one hour" rate to create a back up disk and to wipe old computers clean. If your computer is relatively new, then it may be cleaned and then resold. If I can find a buyer, I can rebate the hour rate back into your pocket. Old computers are great for JUST reading email - and if they get a virus, it does not hurt your mail computer.

b) The virus of the day has to be a "win fixer" variant from 6 years ago! While the name of the virus changes every day (Desktop Security, Antivirus Pro), the methodology hasn't changed a bit. The infected computer gets a Fake Alert. This is a popup that pretends to scan the computer, and states a number of viruses. If you buy the software, not only does your computer get worse, but your credit card WILL be compromised.

c) Hardware failures: The number one failure has got to be a dead hard drive. And it makes sense - the hard drive is really the only "moving part" of a computer. The second problem is more a "cause": Dust and dirt gets into the computer. This builds static electricity. If the dirt gets into the CPU fan, the fan will cease up and the CPU chip will overheat. Speaking of electrical surges - buy a surge protector NOW - costs less than $50 - and Florida is the lightening capital of USA.

d) Right Click Left Click. Just remember it this way: Right click to DO something, Left click to THINK about something (to view properties, to bring up a menu)

e) Favorite web site of the week: "Ideas and Tools for Education Tech Leaders" and a great resource for your kids and keeping them safe from the net.

f) Back up your data NOW. Either burn your data to a cd or dvd, or buy an external hard drive and make a copy. If you call me in, and the hard drive can not spin up, and I can't retrieve your data, please remember my degree is in Computer Science, not Psychology - the best I can do is say "Ah Ah Baby"..

g) It should be obvious by now that you need Anti Virus software. Here is a small list, in NO PARTICULAR ORDER: Norton, Mcafee, Computer Associates, AVG, Microsoft, Kaspersky. Please note: I can not recommend any manufacturer because they haven't paid me to show my bias.

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